Viral marketing by far is the best way to grow your consumer base. If you place a product out to the world and you can reach the innovators of your consumer base and they like the product then the rest of the consumers will find out about the product by word of mouth campaigning which will cost a company very little. Look at ICQ this product is an instant messaging tool that was initially intended for a small group of friends but after the initial users took a liking to the product by that group sharing their experiences with the product their market grew leaps and bounds very quickly. To this day I still utilize Instant Messaging services. Some government agencies removed the ability to download Instant Messenger software to their systems so I was unable to chat with friends and family any longer but guess what along came google chat, which does not need the user to download software. All of my friends use google chat now.
And now a days people are using blogs as marketing tools which is another low cost method of marketing a product. Companies such as Skype and Firefox utilized blogs in order to market their technologies to the world. This method worked so much better than the high end marketing campaigns that companies are trying to catch the wave and blog to promote their products.
In my eyes products like Skype are causing the world to shrink. As companies use web x, video conferencing and now Skype you can talk to someone around the globe as long as they have a web connection and a web cam. Are these technologies hurting companies like the airlines who may see a decline in business travel? Next we will be doing interviews using this technology. Companies may no longer fly you out to visit until after you accept the offer they will just send you video blogs of possible people you will work with and give you a virtual tour of the company as well. Are we losing human interactions with these technologies, I know we live in a germ filled world but should all of our interaction take place through the web?
Let me know what you think?