Do you remember the days of running into people that you know and you exchange business cards that looked like the one on the right? Here you found the basic information company name, position, telephone numbers, company website, and business address. Most of the time you would place those business cards in your wallet or purse and you might reach out and contact the person but most likely not. Since social networks such as LinkedIn, MySpace, and other social networks the content on business cards began changing. Here we have a business card which captures the owners blog site. These cards now make it easy to either join that persons

Now that virtual worlds have been created and people have Avatars', the business card makers had a new market that had not been explored. People can now have business cards made that has their avatar character on it. One site www.moo.com, allows you to develop cards that are more for fun that allow you to have others to meet you in another world such as Second Life. Whats next passing out business cards in the virtual world?
As the world embraces technology more and more, it is seeming as though people are spending more and more of their lives within the virtual world. Its seem as though that business cards will fade out like the rotary telephone, we will just be able to enter in peoples linkedIn Ids' or Second life handles into each others cell phones. Do you think we can survive without Technology? How many people do you know that dont have either a cell phone or computer?
Make sure you know how to trade business cards, if you dont know here is a tutorial:
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1 comment:
Remember how weird it was as a kid to run into a teacher outside of school? You'd see them at the mall, and find it strange that she had a life outside of the classroom? Well, that's sort of how I feel about professionals including their blog/social networking contact info on their business cards. If it's for a fun business card like the ones from moo.com, then that wouldn't be so bad - the intent is to be silly, probably share info on a casual level. But if I receive the business card of a potential employer, I'm not sure I want to know more than the name/number/company website. Suppose you visited his blog and found out about strange habits or came across personal photos; would that impact your impression of the employer? I know I would reconsider. But this probably leads to larger issues of public vs. private information in American society. By the way, love the comment about sharing bus. cards in Second Life. I wouldn't be surprised if that really did happen!
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